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The Zones of Regulation is an intervention which helps children to manage difficult emotions, known as ‘self-regulation’.
Self-regulation is best described as the best state of alertness for a situation. For example, when your child takes part in a P.E. lesson, they would need to have a higher state of alertness than when, for example, they were reading a book.
Our goal is to provide strategies to children and young people in the hopes that they become more aware of and be independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, managing sensory needs and improving problem-solving abilities.
The aim is to address children’s underlying difficulties with emotional and sensory regulation, executive functioning and social cognition. It aims to help children move towards independent regulation.
It is a visual and structured programme that teaches children to develop their understanding of emotions in both themselves and in others, to understand how their emotions and behaviours impact our school community and learn what tools they can use to manage these feelings.
Additionally, Zones of Regulation promotes Lightwood’s school values.
Identify how you are feeling, why you may be feeling like this and way that you can support yourself.
Reminder that there is no such things as a bad emotion. Be kind to yourself and take the steps to self-regulate.
We are always going to experience ups and downs, and the same coping skill may not work in every situation. Be flexible and keep trying.
You don’t have to struggle with your emotions alone. Ask for help. Collaborate to support and understand other people’s emotions.
Have a wide variety of tools to utilise to support self-regulation.
We aim to help children to:
Lightwoods Zones of Regulation Toolkit
Further resources to support your child’s emotional wellbeing
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