The Academy
Our primary school was founded in 1908 and is situated on the border between Sandwell and Birmingham, near Warley Woods and Lightwoods Park.
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Our primary school was founded in 1908 and is situated on the border between Sandwell and Birmingham, near Warley Woods and Lightwoods Park.
On behalf of all the staff, we offer you a very warm welcome to Lightwoods Primary Academy. Our school focuses on the values of improving children’s self-awareness, through warmth, resilience and collaboration, so that everyone strives towards excellence.
We are a two-form entry Primary Academy dedicated to helping all children become confident, independent and life-long learners.
We provide high-quality teaching and learning experiences that are underpinned by our core curriculum values of Excite, Explore and Excel. Our curriculum aims to excite children, and we then explore the knowledge and skills that we aim to teach the children.
We equip the children with the key skills in Reading, Writing and Mathematics whilst promoting respect for all members of the global community. That said, the rest of the curriculum is vital to us, and we want to ensure every subject area is taught as well as any other.
At Lightwoods Primary Academy, we aim to create a caring atmosphere where every child feels safe so that they can achieve in all that they do.
As a school, our purpose is to prepare pupils for their future by providing the very best learning experiences and we expect all of our children to leave for secondary school feeling enriched and ready to face the world in front of them.
Extra-curricular clubs and activities include sports, arts, music and wrap-around care.
In 2016 the school expanded to a two-form entry Primary School and now operates across two sites, Castle Road East and Wolverhampton Road. Lightwoods has a private pre-school provision for 3-4 year olds called Tinywoods. A sports hall was added to the Castle Road site which provides a facility for physical education, extended school facilities and community facilities after school hours.
We would like to take the time to thank you for visiting our website and we hope that you find the information you need about our school.
Read more about Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust’s values.
The attachment below was recreated from a document put together in 1983 to show how the school has changed over the years. Lightwoods Primary School was originally called Castle Road School. The school has been extended many times including the latest new build in 2004. We celebrated our Centenary on the 8th of May 2008.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.